
lotus position artinya

Audio:   contoh lotus position


  1. And now back into the lotus position.
    Dan sekarang kembali ke posisi lotus
  2. 3 asanas that put you in the Lotus position
    3 asana yang menempatkan Anda di posisi Lotus
  3. During sitting meditation, practitioners usually assume a position such as the lotus position, half-lotus, Burmese, or yoga postures, using the dhyāna mudrā.
    Selama duduk bermeditasi, praktisi biasanya mengambil posisi seperti posisi lotus, setengah lotus, Burma, atau postur seiza, dengan menggunakan dhyāna mudrā.
  4. Lying on the floor cross-legged in the lotus position (knees are directed to the sides, ankles crossed).The palms push to the back of the head.Shoulders off the floor.
    Berbaring di lantai bersila dalam posisi lotus (lutut diarahkan ke sisi, pergelangan kaki disilangkan).Telapak tangan mendorong ke belakang kepala.Bahu dari lantai.

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